We know you care.
Now your customers will know too.

Sponsor a Cancer Prayer Video and you can unify anywhere from 27,000-64,000 of your potential customers in prayer.


30 Days of Cancer Prayer is:

30 prominent Christians

Sharing 30 cancer prayer videos

Released daily for 30 days


Do more than say you care. Provide the tender care that comes from praying together in community.


We believe combining your company’s influence with the power of prayer could be world changing.

Be influential.

Associate with top Christian personalities like Christian Music Artist, Matthew West, or NFL Hall of Fame Star, Kurt Warner. You have the option to choose your prayer warrior or to have us choose!

Be a leader.

Sponsor the newest exploding Christian Event. In the past three years we have reached over 400,000 lives all across the globe and continues to grow each year. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Be effective.

Digitally target your next customer. Together we will decide your target audience based on location, age, religious preference and any additional customer attributes.


Past sponsors loved being a part of 30 Days!

To watch the Concordia Plans prayer video click here.

“Fantastic! Thank you for this opportunity.”
- Dawn Crosno
Event Strategist Concordia Plans


Number of people this prayer video reached:

I T ‘ S A S E A S Y A S 1 , 2 , 3 !

  1. Select your topic.

  2. Submit your prayer video.

  3. Share you final video once it is live!

Sponsor 1 Cancer Prayer Video

Sponsor 4 Cancer Prayer Videos

Sponsor 7 Cancer Prayer Videos

For each prayer video you sponsor you will receive:

  1. Your choice of prayer topic and video speaker (optional - we can provide),.

  2. Your video shared on Instagram, LinkedIn with post on Facebook and YouTube year round.

  3. A Facebook Boost ad for your sponsored video with the target audience you choose.

  4. Your logo on the opening and closing slides of each prayer video sponsored with a link to your webpage in the video’s description.

The additional exposure you will receive includes; your company listed on the 30 days of Cancer Page Sponsor page with a link to your website, your company name hyperlinked on the 30 Days of Cancer Prayer Topics page and a “Thank you” post to all of our social outlets in January 2022 and July 2022.


30 Days of Cancer Prayer is created by Cancer Companions

  • The premiere National Christian Cancer Ministry

  • Empowering cancer patients with prayer and scripture since 2011

  • A 501(c)3 nonprofit leading over 400 Christian volunteers across the US

See our past 30 Days events below

30 Days of Cancer Prayer 2019
featuring prayers from Kirk Cameron, Karen Tripp, and Clayton Jones


30 Days of Cancer Prayer 2022
featuring prayers from Matthew West, Mike Matheny, and Dr. Mathew Knowles

30 Days of Cancer Prayer 2020
featuring prayers from Kirk Cameron, Francesca Battistelli, and Kurt Warner

30 Days of Cancer Prayer 2021
featuring prayers from Matthew West, Kirk Cameron, and Kurt Warner