The Oncology Faith Project
Because Cancer Requires Us to Treat the Whole Person
Our Commitment:
Through clinical research and collaboration, the Oncology Faith Project will break through the barriers of healthcare systems today in order to give cancer patients easy access to the Christian Cancer Programing they need.
Our Truth:
Since cancer requires us to treat the whole person, cancer faith programs, like Cancer Companions, are vital components to a cancer patient’s treatment.
The Problem:
To help patients become aware of cancer faith programing options, this information needs to be included in a cancer center’s regimented intake process.
Our Solution:
Identify when in the intake process a cancer patient can be identified as needing cancer faith programing. Then design a method to get access to oncology workers so they can receive faith programing materials which they can then pass on to these patients.
OUR GOAL: $20,000
This covers Graduate Student Research intern and supervision, webpage constructions and design, initial webpage content creation, marketing evaluation of oncology worker needs and assessment of the Cancer Spiritual Directory use.
DATES: October 3-27
PERK FOR ALL DONORS: Quarterly Cancer Companion’s Research Update
Bellinda King-Kallimanis, PhD, Dir. Patient-Focused Research Lungevity
Meet our Research Intern: Semere Bekena
We are excited to welcome Semere to the Cancer Companions team. Semere will be acting as our Research Intern to help us complete a literature review on current use of the NCCN Thermometer and write an interview guide for the study's use.
Meet our Research Team
Alicia Cortright PhD Research Manager The Meros Center
Susie Maloney-Newton RN, MS, AOCN, AOCNS Senior Dir. The Medical Affairs Company
Sarah Kivett RN BSN OCN CHPN Iredell Hospice & Palliative Care
Beth Delaney APRN, Chief Nursing Officer & VP Supportive Services 4CancerWellness
Make a donation today!
A Special Thank You to Our Partners!