Believe and Cleave!, June 16
Daily Reflections from Inside the Cancer Journey
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Written by David Gira
Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh (Genesis 2:24 KJV).
Cancer tests marriage like few things can. Caring for a sick spouse is hard. Receiving care is also difficult. Some spouses consider leaving after cancer arrives. Many marriages, however, become stronger as couples unite and cleave to one other.
Chapters one and two of the book of Genesis contain the account of God’s creation of the heavens and the earth. The work begins with God’s declaration, “Let there be light,” and its creation (see Genesis 1:3). This is followed with God’s creation of the sky, dry ground, seas, vegetation, the sun, moon, and stars, all living creatures, and finally Adam and Eve.
On the sixth day, upon finishing the work of creation, God declares it all “very good” (Genesis 1:31 NIV). On the seventh day, He rests.
Chapter two expounds upon Adam and Eve’s creation. First, God forms Adam “from the dust of the ground” (Genesis 2:7 NIV). God places him in a beautiful garden, filled with trees, “pleasing to the eye and good for food” (Genesis 2:9 NIV). At its center stands the tree of life!
It is awesome! But as Adam enjoys and explores Paradise, the Lord names its one flaw. One thing is not very good. “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18 NIV). God brings all the living creatures to Adam to name, looking to fill the void, “but for Adam no suitable helper was found” (v. 20).
God causes Adam to fall into a deep sleep, opens his side, and takes out a part of him. With this part, not the dust from which Adam was created, God forms and fashions Eve. Like an artist, He creates her to be the perfect counterpart for Adam.
God brings Eve to Adam, perhaps like a Father walking his daughter down the aisle. Adam sees Eve, and knows she’s the one, “bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh” (v. 23).
The creation account concludes, “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh” (v. 24).
From this sacred text, you and I can learn important lessons about being married when a spouse has cancer:
1) It is not good to be alone. Married or not, we all need others, especially when you are facing cancer. Husbands and wives are uniquely positioned to support each other.
2) Your spouse is a gift from God. Use this time of struggle to discover, appreciate, and treasure one another. Thank God for each other!
3) You are one flesh. Your union is unique, deep, and spiritual. You can feel each other’s pain, because you are a part of each other. Remember, cancer is equally hard and painful for you both.
4) Your relationship is ordained by God. God has blessed your union and cares about it. He will give you the grace you need. Look to Him always.
5) Cleave to another. Stick together like glue. Do not let cancer tear you apart. Use it as an opportunity to hold on to each other even more tightly.
Pray: Lord, I want our cancer experience to bring us closer to You and to each other. Give us the strength, love, and wisdom to be the husband and wife you desire. Bless every marriage facing cancer. Amen.
Your Turn: Cancer is a wonderful time to renew your wedding vows. To promise to love each other for better or worse, in sickness and health, until we are parted by death … how beautiful and powerful. Have a ceremony someplace special. Maybe Hawaii!
“Dancing in the Minefields” by Andrew Peterson is an amazing and beautiful song about marriage. It is a favorite of mine. Check it out.
Michael David Gira, Jr., Cancer Survivor
David was an ordained United Methodist Pastor and graduate of Duke Divinity School. He and his wife, Amy, lived in Raleigh, North Carolina with their three children. In 2017 he was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. In his book, How Cancer Cured Me, he shares many ways he experienced God’s healing. After a 7 year battle with cancer, David is now joyously singing praises in God’s glorious throne room. His legacy lives on through his writing for Cancer Companions, as he continues to proclaim Christ’s hope and healing power to others experiencing cancer.
Cancer Companion’s vision for the future is for every person impacted by cancer to know the hope, love, and grace of Jesus and that every oncology team has included faith in their treatment toolbox. By 2033, Cancer Companions will provide 5 million engagements through cancer prayers, scriptures and interactions to those impacted by cancer. Engagements include; social media outreach, e-newsletters, prayer team requests, 30 days of Cancer Prayer event, and volunteer connections.
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