Hope, January 7
Daily Reflections from Inside the Cancer Journey
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Written by Karen Wonders
I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life (1 John 5:13 NIV).
I remember the first time I met Adele. It was a cold, snowy day in February. Adele was an elderly woman with beautiful long, flowing gray hair—and stage 4 lung cancer. She was willing to give our cancer center a try, knowing that our primary focus would be on helping her maintain her quality of life through proper diet and exercise.
As we often do in our initial meetings, I asked her about her support system, including any church attendance. Adele quickly laughed off my questions. “Oh, I don’t believe in God,” she said. “I only believe in myself.”
After she said this, I stammered over the right words to say. I wanted to tell her that it didn’t matter how wealthy she was, or how old she was, or how sick she was. She could turn to Jesus right that very minute and be healed. Maybe not of her cancer, but of her sin.
Instead, I sat there and looked into the eyes of a woman who was dying—who would most likely die apart from the Lord—and said nothing.
This interaction with Adele has taught me that it is not good to place all of our emphasis on our physical health, all the while neglecting our spiritual health. If Adele came to our facility and exercised for six months, I’m sure she would see noticeable improvements in her quality of life. But then what? The question would remain—did I do anything to impact her eternity?
What about you? Have you given much thought about your eternity? Are you so caught up in living this life—fighting this cancer—that you haven’t stopped to consider the status of your spiritual health?
Good health begins with a right relationship with God. God created you to be in relationship with Him. He wants to be your best friend! But we are all born separated from God by the sin of this world.
In the New Testament, God has made a promise, based on Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice. Jesus shed His blood once and for all, providing a way for us to be forgiven of all of our past, present, and future sins.
What a gift Jesus has given us! But, like any gift, it is up to us to accept it. When you accept Jesus as Lord of your life, you are no longer separated from Him. You are born again! You will spend eternity with Him. You begin a new life, and live to glorify God in all that you do. You desire to make healthy lifestyle choices because you know that doing so will help you fulfill your God-given purpose.
Spiritual health is the foundation for a healthy body. It is a chance for you to make a fresh start. Today can be the first day of the rest of your life! Accept His free gift and walk in the freedom that comes from being a child of God.
Pray: Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I ask You into my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior. Lord, give me the strength to follow the path You designed for me. Today is the first day of the rest of my life! I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Your Turn: Have you accepted God’s free gift of salvation? Thank Him for it!
Karen Wonders
Karen Y. Wonders, PhD, FACSM, Cancer Caregiver
Karen is the Founder and CEO of Maple Tree Cancer Alliance, and Professor/Program Director of Exercise Physiology at Wright State University. Her passion is to advocate for exercise as part of the national standard of care for cancer. Her non-profit organization provides free exercise training to thousands of cancer survivors every month (www.mapletreecanceralliance.org). Dr. Wonders and her husband have 7 children—aged 16 and younger. If you think her hands are full, you should see her heart!
Cancer Companion’s vision for the future is for every person impacted by cancer to know the hope, love, and grace of Jesus and that every oncology team has included faith in their treatment toolbox. By 2033, Cancer Companions will provide 5 million engagements through cancer prayers, scriptures and interactions to those impacted by cancer. Engagements include; social media outreach, e-newsletters, prayer team requests, 30 days of Cancer Prayer event, and volunteer connections.
To learn more about our ministry and the services we provide visit our website by clicking here.