Ponder Them in Your Heart, August 22


Inside the Cancer Journey: Daily Reflections for Those Coping with Cancer

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Written by Dominique McLin

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart (Luke 2:19 NIV).

 My husband, Elvin, and I are anxiously waiting for the results of the extensive testing he endured, which will tell us if his partial kidney is healthy and cancer-free. In January of 2019, Elvin’s left kidney was engulfed with cancer beyond recognition and his right kidney was enlarged with cancer. The Lord greatly blessed us through the removal of his left kidney, and immunotherapy and surgery finally killing the cancer on the right kidney.

 Now we are back, four years later, for a checkup with Elvin’s oncologist, Dr. Patel. It’s probably a good time to explain that we are at MD Anderson Cancer Center, the best treatment center for my husband’s kidney cancer, 800 miles from our home. Before Dr. Patel gives us the results, he asks how my husband’s overall health has been, and it’s time to share my husband’s new diagnosis, prostate cancer. We’ve been working with several expert oncologists in our local town. When we share the recent test results, he says, “you are here with me today for such a time as this.”

 Dr. Patel goes on to explain he is good friends with the head of the urology department at our local cancer center. (How long ago did God arrange their divine meeting for this day?) Through the wonders of modern technology, his friend uploads all the results regarding Elvin’s prostate to a “shared” electronic medical record system. Although my husband’s prostatectomy is scheduled for next week, Dr. Patel is hopeful MD Anderson’s urology department can review my husband’s results in time. There are several treatment options when it comes to prostate cancer; however, with the guidance and education from other local surgeons and radiation oncologists, we believe the prostatectomy is the best option. 

Dr. Patel goes on to inform us my husband’s kidney is healthy, functioning well, and other than the prostate cancer, there is no other evidence of disease. Praise God; we are so excited!  

Dr. Patel then says that MD Anderson’s expert urologist has reviewed the electronic reports and confirms our treatment is appropriate. What a blessing to receive two consultations for the cost of one in less than an hour!  

A short while later, the surgeon who will perform the prostatectomy calls my husband’s cell phone just to check in with him. Surgeons making calls to check in with a patient? God is good! 

During the plane ride back home, I think of the blessings we’ve received in less than ninety minutes: confirmation the remaining kidney is healthy and functioning well, Elvin’s heart is healthy and strong, and while he may have prostate cancer, he’s been checked from skull to thigh and has no other cancer. Yes, we have another surgery ahead of us, but the Lord has lavished us with so many blessings. These blessings show me that even though we go through uncomfortable and often scary trials, the Lord is with us. Like Mary in today’s verse, I treasure these milestones and store them in my heart.  

Pray: Father, I know that You are good and that You hold me in Your strong and loving hands. Help me to see with eyes of faith the ways You provide in my life. Help me hold on to these treasures, to strengthen me in my journey and to share with others. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Your Turn: Think over the last six months of your cancer journey. How has the Lord shown you He’s been with you? Share it with others.

Dominique McLin, Cancer Caregiver

Dominique has walked alongside her husband, mom, and dad during their respective cancer journeys all while working in a demanding position with a major healthcare company. Dominique and her husband Elvin live in Ellisville, Missouri and are blessed with five adult children and five grandchildren. Dominique and Elvin received support from the Cancer Companions ministry and consider it an honor to be able to give back to the ministry and provide support to others diagnosed with cancer.

Cancer Companion’s vision for the future is for every person impacted by cancer to know the hope, love, and grace of Jesus and that every oncology team has included faith in their treatment toolbox. By 2033, Cancer Companions will provide 5 million engagements through cancer prayers, scriptures and interactions to those impacted by cancer. Engagements include; social media outreach, e-newsletters, prayer team requests, 30 days of Cancer Prayer event, and volunteer connections.

To learn more about our ministry and the services we provide visit our website by clicking here.


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