Proclaim His Name in Praise, September 4


Inside the Cancer Journey: Daily Reflections for Those Coping with Cancer

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Written by Ashley Taylor

Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted (Isaiah 12:4 NIV).

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I was told it was curable, but the coming months would be like living a nightmare to get there—chemo and its side effects, surgeries, emotional consequences for me and my loved ones, and so on. I had a choice. I could grab onto God’s hand and let Him show me the goodness He brings out of the pain and praise Him for it. Or I could sink into a hole of hopelessness, which is what Satan was rooting for. 

Each day since my diagnosis, I have known that life is beautiful. It’s a God-planned journey with unexpected twists and turns along the path. God does not promise life without pain, but He does promise to walk with us and give us strength for whatever we face. When the journey is going smoothly, it is easy to be positive, experience joy, and be thankful. When we hit the bumps along the way, it can be harder to see the blessings in the midst of suffering and uncertainty. We can succumb to fear and despair. However, we are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to give thanks in all circumstances. How do we do this?

During those months of treatment, I reflected on the words of Isaiah 12:4, “Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.” I chose praise over hopelessness. I chose to:

  • Hold onto God’s Word and His eternal promises.

  • Praise and give glory to God for the earthly blessings.

  • Most importantly, to praise God for the eternal blessings He so generously gives.

As you know, the choice is easier than the execution. I knew I needed something to help me through my bad cancer days. So, I made Ashley’s List of God’s Blessings in my journal to give me strength, peace, and comfort. This list of my many praises was to not only carry in my heart, but also to share with others God’s immense greatness. It became a much-needed reminder of how to give thanks in all circumstances. Here is a glimpse into the list I put together: 

  • Lord, I praise You for the love and support of my family, friends and church.  

  • I praise You for the simple pleasure of having my friend, Gwenda, prepare my favorite meal from when we were roomies. 

  • I praise You for Your amazing love and grace, undeserving as I am. 

  • I praise You for the Holy Spirit, my Counselor who walks every day of my journey with me. 

  • I praise You that I do not need to fear death, and will have eternal life with You as You give me victory over sin and death through Your Son, Jesus Christ. 

What might your list of praises look like that you could reflect upon to bring you peace, comfort, and joy in the hard times—and that you could use to share with others the goodness of your Lord and Savior? 

Pray: Almighty God, let us remember that You do not allow our pain and suffering to be for nothing. We praise You for the difficult times that bring us closer to You and make us stronger in our relationship with You. Let us proclaim to all what You have done in our lives out of Your love for all Your people. Amen.

Your Turn: Try writing out your own list of praises and give your list a name. Turn to your list during those bad cancer days to give you strength, peace, and comfort. 

Ashley Taylor, Cancer Survivor

Ashley is married to James, and they have two daughters, Grace and Hannah. All four are big Tar Heel fans, having attended the same school, UNC-Chapel Hill. In 2020 Ashley obtained her roofing license to help with her family's business. She is a breast cancer survivor. She has been grateful for the opportunity to join the devo team for Cancer Companions, to reach out to others for God’s glory for His goodness in her cancer journey. 

Cancer Companion’s vision for the future is for every person impacted by cancer to know the hope, love, and grace of Jesus and that every oncology team has included faith in their treatment toolbox. By 2033, Cancer Companions will provide 5 million engagements through cancer prayers, scriptures and interactions to those impacted by cancer. Engagements include; social media outreach, e-newsletters, prayer team requests, 30 days of Cancer Prayer event, and volunteer connections.

To learn more about our ministry and the services we provide visit our website by clicking here.


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