When You’re Running on Empty, August 28


Inside the Cancer Journey: Daily Reflections for Those Coping with Cancer

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Written by Niki Hardy

I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry (John 6:35 NIV).

I’ve got a confession to make. When I’m tired, stressed, or overwhelmed, sometimes I seem to lose the will and the way to connect with God. It feels too much like hard work. Not only does God seem far away, but in the back of my mind I assume He’d rather I came to Him in a better state—when I’m not so falling apart.

Have you ever felt this way? At times like this, it’s easy to slowly drift away from God, turning away in apathy and coping alone—when turning to Him is exactly what we need. 

If we’re ever going to find His strength, peace, and comfort that our souls crave, we must break out of that cycle. But it’s not easy when we feel too tired to get off our bums and open the fridge door, let alone knock on His door and feed on the Bread of Life.

On my cancer journey, the key I discovered was to take small bites of tasty spiritual food—foods that were close at hand and easy to digest. I invite you to try some of the spiritual appetizers that helped me, when my energy and motivation were at their lowest:

1) List five things you are grateful for. Research shows practicing gratitude increases our well-being,1 so look around and list five things you’re grateful for—whether it’s your friends, the weather, Peanut M&Ms, or God’s presence, and take a moment to thank Him. 

2) Put on some worship music and be still. Whatever your taste in music, there’s some worship music for you. Just sit with no agenda and become aware of God’s presence. 

3) Get out into His creation. The world around us reveals His vastness and glory. Check out the night sky, the trees in the park, or the birds on your roof. The God that made all this made you, too. Breathe it in—both the fresh air and how loved you are. 

4) Phone a friend. For many of us this is the hardest of these suggestions, but we’re made by God for community. We need people who will help us out practically, friends who’ll simply sit and listen, and people who’ll stand with us and pray. 

This list is only a beginning; consider writing a letter to God, finding a Bible promise to hold onto, looking at art that depicts God’s character—and you can add your own. Just take that step!

One thing we can be sure of is that as we step towards Him, in His grace, God meets us right where we are and just as we are.

Bit by bit He feeds our tired souls, bringing us alive spiritually and refreshing us. As we battle on through cancer, isn’t that what we need more than anything? 

Has your spiritual get-up-and-go got up and gone? Take an intentional step of walking towards God with hope and anticipation, trusting that He will meet you just where you are.

Pray: Lord God, even when it feels like life has fallen apart, I know that You are still good and that You are for me. Thank You for Your presence, and for all the ways You give me to experience it in my life. Help me find ways I can step towards You, to rest in Your love, Your peace, and Your comfort. I pray these things in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus. Amen.

Your Turn: What is one thing from this list you can try right now? (Or do you have another idea that fits you better?) Take that step, trusting His love and presence with you today.

1. “Giving Thanks Can Make You Happier.” Harvard Health, August 14, 2021. https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/giving-thanks-can-make-you-happier. 

Niki Hardy, Family Member and Cancer Survivor

Niki is a British author, speaker, podcast host, and cancer thriver. Through her books Breathe Again: How to Live Well When Life Falls Apart and One Minute Prayers for Women with Cancer, and her free Trusting God Through Cancer Summit and Chemo Chair Prayers podcast, she helps people discover that life doesn’t have to be pain-free to be full, then to go live it. Download her FREE book bundle or find other resources at nikihardy.com.

Cancer Companion’s vision for the future is for every person impacted by cancer to know the hope, love, and grace of Jesus and that every oncology team has included faith in their treatment toolbox. By 2033, Cancer Companions will provide 5 million engagements through cancer prayers, scriptures and interactions to those impacted by cancer. Engagements include; social media outreach, e-newsletters, prayer team requests, 30 days of Cancer Prayer event, and volunteer connections.

To learn more about our ministry and the services we provide visit our website by clicking here.


Overcomers, August 29


Learn to Wait, August 27