Prayer for Colorectal Cancer Patient


Heavenly Father,

You know the difficulties which can come from Colorectal Cancer. You also know my loved one who is dealing with this disease but we know that you have gone before them.

You have gone before them into 

Every procedure

Every treatment

Every test

Every scan

And every doctor’s appointment.

We thank you for all of this. And yet we are bold enough to ask for more.

Give your wisdom and discernment to their medical team.

Fill their body with resilience and strength.

Surround them with loving support and care.

Remove the difficulty their body is enduring from their treatments and above all, 

Take each and every cancer cell from their body.

You are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. All things, every cancer, is under your dominion. So, we ask for you to make their lives cancer free once and for ever more.

We ask all of this humbly, in your Son’s name, Amen.


Praises for Surviving Cancer Treatment


Prayer for Pastors with Cancer