Christmas Devotional 7: God’s Plan is Working

Luke 2:8-11; Isaiah 61:1

Cancer treatment comes with a plan. The plan typically includes multiple doctors, procedures, medicines and countless waiting rooms. Good cancer news typically sounds like: “Good news! Things are going as planned.” Of course, the plan is to get rid of the cancer, so it is great news to know that the plan is working. You see, if you’re excited about the plan, you’re excited when the plan is working.

That first Christmas was a major step in God’s master plan for being reunited with his beloved children. To celebrate, an angel showed up to a group of shepherds to say, “Good news! Things are going as planned.” The shepherds were very excited, so they must have had some idea of God’s plan. Check out these scriptures to learn more:

8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.

9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Christ, the Lord.” Luke 2:8-11

Let’s try to look for clues to God’s plan. First, let’s look more closely at verse 11:

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Christ, the Lord. What are the titles of Jesus spoken by the angel? a S ____________________ has been born to you; he is the C_________________________________________, the L ___________________________________.

Here are how these three titles translate in the Greek(1):

Savior = Deliverer

Christ = Anointed one

Lord = Supreme

So, verse 11 could look like:

11 Today in the town of David a Deliverer has been born to you; he is the Supreme Anointed One.

This scripture leaves me with a few questions about God’s plan.

Why do we need a deliverer?

God’s Plan Item #1 God knows that people need a deliverer. He knows that in order for you or I to stand in front of Him in the throne room of God, we need to be perfect. Which means we need to be delivered from darkness and made clean by someone that is perfect. That perfect deliverer is the beautiful newborn Jesus wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.

Why does the angel call baby Jesus the Supreme Anointed One?

God’s Plan Item #2 There are times in the Bible where a verse is like a code, because the same words might be found in another verse written hundreds of years before. This verse, Luke 2:11, is one of those verses. To fully understand Luke’s message, it helps to read this verse written hundreds of years before by the prophet Isaiah. Take a look:

31 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners…. Isaiah 61:1

Use the verse above to respond to the following: Circle the word “anointed”.

Circle the words “good news”.

Can you see how Luke’s readers would have connected this verse to what the angel said to the shepherds? The angel is announcing that the anointed one from Isaiah 61:1 is HERE! How can we be sure that Jesus is the anointed one?

God’s Plan Item #3 God’s plan just keeps unfolding. In adulthood, as Jesus was starting His ministry, He read this same verse, Isaiah 61:1, in the synagogue and proclaimed, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Which means- “It’s me! I’m the super anointed one!!”

What is this deliverer/the anointed one going to do? Look again at Isaiah 61:1 above.

Circle the words “bind up”. Circle the word “freedom”.

Circle the words “release from darkness”.

I feel like we have really found the good news:

That night on the hills of Bethlehem, the angel gave the shepherds an update on God’s plan.

1. The anointed One of God has arrived as a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes.

2. He has come to bind up broken hearts, free those who feel trapped and shine the light of God on the dark things that can creep into our lives.

Now THAT’S some good news. Could you use some good news in your cancer journey? Can the good news that came to the shepherds matter to you today?

God’s Plan Item #4: You are part of this glorious plan. Seize this truth that Jesus, came that first Christmas so that He can be your deliverer this Christmas.

Think about your cancer journey and these three things below. Rate them as 1- most needed to 3- least needed.

I could use a deliverer to:

___ bind the hurts in my heart from others.

___ free me from the times I feel trapped.

___ shine His light into my dark times.

It can be hard sometimes to see that you need a deliverer, especially when you are trying so hard to be strong for those you love. Cling to Christ. Fold yourself into His loving arms and know that HE is shining his light into your darkness to deliver you from the strife of cancer.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your plan which has reunited me with You. Thank You for the gift of the Christ Child so that each day as I push through cancer, I will know that You have restored me and I am not alone. Show me more clearly this Christmas the endless blessings of Your master plan, which has delivered me to You through Your Son. In His name, Jesus Christ, I pray. AMEN



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