Christmas Devotional 4: God’s Tangible Gifts

Matthew 1:18-21, John 14:26

Cancer can bring a wonderful outpouring of tender care, concern and comfort from those around us. This is truly a treasure, and yet in the midst of all this wonderful care, there is still a part of the cancer walk that has to be done alone. I don’t mean physically alone. But, if you are a cancer patient, caregiver or survivor, there is a part of battling cancer that is done in isolation. Here are thoughts that many people wrestle with alone:

“That soreness is not going away. Could it be the cancer?”

“I can’t do that today. Don’t they understand it’s cancer?”

“Who will help me if this gets really bad?”

“What happens if my caregiver gets sick?”

“I’m tired of being strong for others.”

Cancer isolation can surround you even when you are in a room full of people that love you. That’s the part of struggling with cancer that each person faces alone.

In the Christmas story, I see Joseph as a person facing a difficult struggle alone.

18 This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. 19 Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. Matthew 1:18-19 18 1.

Finish this sentence: Mary was _________________________________ _________ to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be __________________________________ through the Holy Spirit. vs18 2. Joseph was faithful to ____ ______________________________________ and did not want to expose her to __________________________________ ____________________________________________________________. vs19 3. What had he made up his mind to do? _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________. vs19

Joseph’s situation looked like this:

• He was engaged to a wonderful girl named Mary.

• He had been a good guy and not had sex with her.

• She shows up pregnant, making her an unwed mother-to-be.

• Under Jewish law Joseph can:

1. Have Mary stoned.

2. Divorce Mary.

3. Marry Mary.

Even if Joseph had a confidant to talk with about this situation, the struggle was his alone. To have reached the decision of divorce, Joseph must not have believed Mary that the father of the child was God and that she would give birth to the long-awaited Messiah. So, in isolation, Joseph probably struggled with some hard questions: Who was the father? Why had Mary betrayed him? What will the rest of the town think of him? Why was he not worthy of Mary’s loyalty?

The only one to turn to with our deepest hurts, fears and thoughts is God. Joseph received a GIANT blessing from God to help lead him through this struggle.

20 But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:20-21

Who appeared? ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ vs 20

What was Joseph to do about Mary being pregnant? ________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ vs 20

Wouldn’t it be GREAT if every time you felt isolated and alone God sent you an angel in a dream with directions of what to do? You may not get an angel visit, but God has sent you something even BETTER!

Jesus told us who God has sent for you and what He can do: But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26

Use the verse above to complete these questions:

What is another name for the Holy Spirit? A_________________________

The Greek word for advocate is paraklētos, which means comforter, helper. How wonderful is that?

Circle here which of these names for the Holy Spirit you relate to the most today: Advocate Comforter Helper

What will the Holy Spirit teach you?

What will the Holy Spirit remind you?

It seems to me the Holy Spirit is constantly looking for ways to remind me of all that Jesus wants to give me. It’s like He’s jumping around me, waving His arms and shouting, “Karen! Remember? Remember all the guidance and joy and peace and confidence that Jesus wants to share with you?”

To make the Holy Spirit’s job easier, God has given us tangible gifts that can draw us closer Him. These are the powerful tools of scripture, prayer, Bible study, fellowship and worship.

Place an M next to the powerful tool that you are doing more since diagnosis.

Place an S next to the powerful tool that you are doing the same amount since diagnosis.

Place an L next to the powerful tool that you are doing less since diagnosis.

___ scripture

___ prayer

___ Bible study

___ fellowship

___ worship

Have you noticed when the dark thoughts creep into your head, it’s hard to remember these mighty weapons? Battle the drain of cancer isolation by seizing the power of these tangible gifts in your life. Remember always, the Holy Spirit is with you, shining the light of the Lord on you and chasing away the darkness.

Pray with me:

Father in Heaven, We thank You for sending Your Son and we thank You for sending the Comforter- the Holy Spirit. Cancer isolation can creep into my life, and so I ask You to give me a hunger for the mighty tools You have given me to shower myself in the things of God. Give me a hunger for prayer, scripture, worship, Bible study and fellowship. Strike down the urge to pull myself away from the very things which will draw me closer to You. You are the light of the world, and You have placed Your light in me for such a time as this. In Your precious Son’s name I pray, AMEN


Christmas Devotional 5: Jesus’ Love is Brighter than Your Hurt


Christmas Devotional 3: God’s Promises Battle The Thoughts That Pull You From God