Myth Busters! Lessons to Learn about Volunteers


It's amazing how easily we can talk ourselves out of asking someone to be a volunteer. Here are some of the myths that can get in the way:

MYTH: "People don't want to volunteer."
FACT: Approximately 63 million Americans - 25% of the adult population - volunteer their time, talents, and energy to making a difference.
TRUTH: Do you know 4 people? Odds are one of them is ready to volunteer.

MYTH: "No one responded to our request for volunteers so I guess we don't have any."
FACT: 42.1% of people became volunteers with their main organization after being asked to volunteer.
TRUTH: People want to be ASKED! People want to be told they can do and they will not do it alone. Make a list of potential volunteers for you to personally ask.

MYTH: "People with jobs and family don't have time to volunteer."
FACT: People aged 35-44 and 45-54 are most likely to volunteer (28.9% and 28% respectively).
TRUTH: Resist the temptation to disqualify potential volunteers based on your perception of their "busy life". Volunteerism is a heart decision not a head decision.

MYTH: "Volunteers are unreliable."
FACT: On average, people spend an average of 52 hours per year volunteering their time.
TRUTH: Learn how to fit the volunteer's needs and expectations to the organization's for increased productivity.

MYTH: "People in churches do not want to volunteer."
FACT: The top four volunteer areas are for religious (34.1%), education (26%), social service (14.9%), and health (7.3%) organizations.
TRUTH: Just because many parts of church life are changing, doesn't mean the church is not still producing more volunteers than any other area.

Volunteerism is a powerful force which can bring solutions, stability, expertise and creativity to any organization. Don't miss your chance to tap into this talent pool for your organization.

All statistics were referenced from website below.


About the Author

Author and counselor Karen Tripp MS LMFT is the Executive Director of Cancer Companions, a ministry that trains volunteers to facilitate Christian cancer ministries. Her roles have included author of Christian books including God is Bigger Than Your Cancer, a daughter of a colon cancer survivor, and a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Karen has used her experience to teach how to step into another person’s struggle to help build their faith while strengthening your own.


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