Your Inner Bulldozer: a Devotional on Blessings and Thankfulness
You know, sometimes bulldozers are pretty handy things to have around. I have on occasion been called a bulldozer. This is hopefully not referring to my physique, but rather my tendency to become intensely focused. This can be a good thing—as long as no innocent bystanders are in my way. After all, bulldozers like me have real problems slowing down or changing directions.
Need a Good Teacher?: a Devotional on God’s Wisdom vs Cancer
Every student has one subject that’s always a struggle. For me, it’s math. Rarely would a math lesson go by that I didn’t need help, but asking for help is not easy. Before I am willing to ask a teacher for help, I ask myself these three questions:
Cancer Caregiver Plan
The average caregiver has been providing care for 4 years on average, spending 24.4 hours a week. She is typically employed and working full time (an average of 34.7 hours per week).
Cancer is Big; But Christ is Bigger: a Devotional
Focusing on Christ does not mean pretending that cancer is small and has no impact on your life. We need to be honest with ourselves and face the truth that cancer is big, really big, gigantically big - but Christ is BIGGER!
Do You Minimize Your Cancer?: a Devotional
Do you ever think, “There are no problems, because God is in control”? That’s not quite accurate. The truth is, “Despite the problems, God is in control.”