He Goes Before You, October 1

By Linda Tripp

 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged (Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV).

I expect I am like most women; I thought breast cancer was something that happened to other people. So, when the lump was discovered at a routine February doctor’s appointment, my first reaction was shock. Mysecond reaction was to start trying to figure out how to get through this unknown new world I had not expected to live in—the world of a cancer patient.

I was a middle-school math teacher, and my life had been very scripted for the foreseeable future: finish out the school year, enjoy the summer and family time, then face the demands of school again in the fall. I looked at our family wall calendar and realized that much of what was written on it would need to be erased. But it was scary to realize I had no idea what would fill up those days, weeks, and months.

It was then that I remembered today’s verse—especially the words, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you.” Six months before my diagnosis, I felt that the Lord had given me this verse. At the time, I had memorized it, and taken it as an encouragement that God would be with me as I tried to meet the needs of my students that school year.

Now, these words became God’s words to me for a new journey, one that was much more ominously filled with unknowns than my school year had been.

But all of a sudden, the first part of the verse hit me: “The Lord Himself goes before you” (emphasis added). I realized that God had gone before me! Back when I memorized this verse, HE ALREADY KNEW. God knew that He was providing me this verse as a powerful weapon to face a coming battle that I knew nothing about. What a strong lesson it was for me that the promise is true: He knows what is to come on the road ahead, and He will make sure we have what we need to get through each trial, by His grace.

There were plenty of times I began to feel afraid or discouraged, through the following months. That was when a scripture verse, a song, a note from a friend, a “coincidence,” or some other nudge would come along, reminding me that my God was with me, had gone before me, and would never leave me nor forsake me. Sometimes, it is the little things that mean the most, when they are seen as reminders from our Lord that He is still there.

God reminded me over and over that together with Him, I can travel through what to me is unknown, assured that it is certainly known by my loving, strong Companion.

Listen for God’s reminders to you of His presence, strength, and comfort as you face your unknowns! May their truth glow in your heart with the warmth and light of His Spirit. You are not alone. He has gone before you, and He will be with you. Always.

Pray: Father God, thank You that You have gone before me, and You know the way. Help me to trust You with my unknowns, knowing that You will always be with me. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Your Turn: Write today’s verse out on a card. Be creative! Place it where you will see it. Try memorizing it during the next week, to plant it deep in your heart. As you do, look for the ways that God has gone before you in your current trial, and the ways He is showing you that He is with you, now.

Linda Tripp, Cancer Survivor 

Linda is a retired 7th grade math teacher and breast cancer survivor. She and her husband, Michael, live in Dayton, Ohio, and are blessed to enjoy three grown children, their spouses, and six grandchildren. Linda received support from the Cancer Companions ministry during her cancer experience, and is happy to participate in it now so more people’s lives can be touched by His Word through their cancer journey.

Cancer Companion’s vision for the future is for every person impacted by cancer to know the hope, love, and grace of Jesus and that every oncology team has included faith in their treatment toolbox. By 2033, Cancer Companions will provide 5 million engagements through cancer prayers, scriptures and interactions to those impacted by cancer. Engagements include; social media outreach, e-newsletters, prayer team requests, 30 days of Cancer Prayer event, and volunteer connections.

To learn more about our ministry and the services we provide visit our website by clicking here.


Chemo Station Number Four, October 2


Purr…sistent Prayer, September 30