The Divine Potter, October 15

By Ashley Taylor

Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are the work of your hand (Isaiah 64:8 NIV).

One Christmas, my daddy gave my older daughter, Grace, a kit for making pottery. She took the clay and worked with care and purpose in molding and shaping her creation into something special.

This image of Grace reminds me that our heavenly Father is the Divine Potter, and we are His clay. When we receive Him through faith, He begins to mold and shape us over time. Some of this molding will come from His abundant blessings. Yet, at times, we will be molded by trials and hardships as God shapes and fashions us with His Potter’s hands. Our hardships may be something we would like to skip; however, in my life, I have seen them used by God to mold me and draw me closer to Him. Through this, my relationship with Him grows bigger, better, and more precious.

Who would choose suffering? Not me! However, I can name the blessings I’ve received from these difficult seasons in my life, and I am forever grateful. Do understand, though; I am not saying that being molded by hardships is easy. And I certainly have had moments of weakness.

Yet, as I look at some of the trials I endured before my breast cancer diagnosis, I can see how God used them to prepare me for all the burdens cancer brings. I know these could have left me angrily pulling away from God, but through the molding of His loving hands, I chose to seek Him and His love for me. I learned to push aside my worries, fears and anger and place my full trust in Him. These were the times when I let Him carry my burdens and give me strength to move forward. I started anew, taking one day at a time with Him at my side, being grateful for that day. Then, I could see the blessings in spite of the pain.  

And then, cancer hit and knocked me off my feet. I soon realized that God had been preparing me, His child, to be able to stand up and fight this ugly disease. God walked through this journey with me and molded me even more into the person He wants me to be. Gifts of confidence and strength were given when I was not sure how to move forward. He allowed me, even when surrounded by cancer, to be a witness of His love, grace, and mercy. This is the message He has encouraged me to share through these devotions, all to His glory. I have now found peace in Him to not worry constantly about the cancer coming back. I live in the moment and thank Him for each new day. I am grateful for the daily conversations that I have with Him. He is always there for me. Thankfully, He is constantly molding and shaping me for His great purpose.

Pray: Heavenly Father, You are the Potter, and we are Your clay. We pray that You will mold and shape us to become the people You would have us be. Amen.

Your Turn: Lift up your hands to God and sing “The Potter’s Hand” with Hillsong Worship—“Take me, and mold me, use me, fill me, I give my life to the Potter’s hands.” Trust in God to transform you day by day for His holy calling.

Ashley Taylor, Cancer Survivor 

Ashley is married to James, and they have two daughters, Grace and Hannah. All four are big Tar Heel fans, having attended the same school, UNC-Chapel Hill. In 2020 Ashley obtained her roofing license to help with her family's business. She is a breast cancer survivor. She has been grateful for the opportunity to join the devo team for Cancer Companions, to reach out to others for God’s glory for His goodness in her cancer journey. 

Cancer Companion’s vision for the future is for every person impacted by cancer to know the hope, love, and grace of Jesus and that every oncology team has included faith in their treatment toolbox. By 2033, Cancer Companions will provide 5 million engagements through cancer prayers, scriptures and interactions to those impacted by cancer. Engagements include; social media outreach, e-newsletters, prayer team requests, 30 days of Cancer Prayer event, and volunteer connections.

To learn more about our ministry and the services we provide visit our website by clicking here.


God’s Looking for a Person Simple and Plain, October 16


For the Glory of God, October 14