Walking Miracles, September 24

By Karen Tripp

Jesus performed many other signs [miracles] in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name (John 20:30-31 NIV).

At my granddaughter’s first birthday party, her favorite thing was the birthday cards. Not the presents, the gift wrap, or even the boxes—the cards. With birthday number two approaching, I hopefully asked, “Is she into unwrapping presents yet?” Why? Because I love a kid’s sweet feeling of abandon when they rip off bows and tear through wrapping paper with uncontrolled anticipation of the glorious treasure that surely must be inside. 

For whatever reason, as adults, our glee for gift boxes has dampened. (Perhaps it’s too many beautifully wrapped gifts containing socks?) With time, anticipation plummets, expectations drop, and skepticism rises. This jaded attitude easily becomes background noise as we anticipate every job offer, new medicine, or vacation trip on the horizon.

It seems that the higher the potential a new possibility has for joy, wonder, and even awe, the more likely we are to flood our hopes with skepticism. Which is why I hesitate to bring up the ultimate wonder: miraculous healings. I’m not talking just about the miraculous gift of salvation. As unfathomable as this miracle is, it seems easier to believe than miraculous physical healings in the lives of those around us.

Since founding the Cancer Companions ministry over a decade ago, God has blessed me by bringing an endless number of “Walking Miracles” into my life. Walking Miracles are people whose doctors predicted how long they would live—only for God to show them who is really in charge. These are cancer survivors who have said to me, “I should have been dead three months ago,” “three years ago,” or even “three decades ago.” God has created you to live each day in anticipation of the next wondrous thing He will do—right here—in your life. The other choice is to live downplaying each new hope as mundane, or even worse, doubtful, as though God is not personally involved in your life. Listen. He is your Jehovah-Rapha—"the God who Heals” (see Exodus 15:26). Just because every prayer for healing is not answered “yes,” it does not change who God is. May we never lose our awe of the boundless power of our God.

Did you know that every miracle has been done for you? Today’s scripture tells us that stories of miracles are shared so “that by believing you may have life in His [Jesus’] name.” Yes, the lives of Walking Miracles may be profoundly touched by Christ, but their miracles are for the rest of us, as well. They draw us to Jesus, the One who gives us life! And the life we have in His name is a life sitting on the edge of our seats with anticipation of the next unfathomable joy, wonder, and awe that will come into our lives and the lives of those around us. Can I hear an “amen”?

Pray: Lord, You are “the God who Heals,” and so we ask for Your healing. We ask for You to remove each and every cancer cell, so cancer will be gone now and forevermore! We ask for You to yank the skepticism and apathy from our hearts, and fill us with high expectation of the next unfathomable joy, wonder, and awe You will place in our lives. Amen.

Your Turn: Get honest with yourself. What has been too big to hope for, too big to pray for? Healing? Long life? Freedom from fatigue or pain? Living a life of dignity until death? To not be a burden? To not create financial hardship for your loved ones? Let go of what holds you back from hoping. Take a moment to bow your head and pray.

Karen Tripp, MS, LMFT, Cancer Caregiver

Karen is the Executive Director of Cancer Companions, the premiere national Christian cancer ministry (https://www.cancercompanion.org). Her roles have included authoring several Christian books including God is Bigger Than Your Cancer and working as a licensed marriage and family therapist. She is a daughter of a colon cancer survivor. Karen uses her experience to teach how to step into another person’s struggle to help build their faith while strengthening your own.

Cancer Companion’s vision for the future is for every person impacted by cancer to know the hope, love, and grace of Jesus and that every oncology team has included faith in their treatment toolbox. By 2033, Cancer Companions will provide 5 million engagements through cancer prayers, scriptures and interactions to those impacted by cancer. Engagements include; social media outreach, e-newsletters, prayer team requests, 30 days of Cancer Prayer event, and volunteer connections.

To learn more about our ministry and the services we provide visit our website by clicking here.


There’s a Miracle on the Horizon!, September 25


Being a Patient Patient, September 23