Restoration #3 of 9 Jesus is on Your Shore, August 3
Inside the Cancer Journey: Daily Reflections for Those Coping with Cancer
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Written by Justin Wood
Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus (John 21:4 NIV).
The breeze, the crashing waves, the sunshine, the play. Do you love going to the beach? What are some of your favorite things on the beach? The beach can be the most lovely place. But the beach can also be a terrifying place. Many people die in the water just off the shoreline. The shore represents that small space between two different worlds of water and land. For the land dweller and the sailor, the shore represents that space of safety and relaxation.
In today’s verse, we see that Jesus is standing on the shore. The disciples knew the shore. They were fishermen. They knew every inch of shore around that lake. The disciples knew Jesus. For three years, they lived with Jesus. For three years, they listened to Jesus teach. For three years, they saw Jesus perform miracles. Jesus stood on shore between two different worlds—water and land. Jesus also stood on the shore between the spiritual realm of heaven and the physical realm of earth.
“But the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.”
Difficult, traumatic events in life can cause us to “not realize it was Jesus.” The disciples witnessed Jesus’ betrayal, crucifixion, and now resurrection. They struggled to make sense of life.
After your cancer treatment, you may struggle to make sense of certain aspects of life. Jesus is standing on the shore of your heart. Jesus is standing on the shore of your soul. Jesus is standing on the shore of your mind. Jesus is standing on the shore of your strength.
The first step is to start looking for Jesus—on the shore of your finances, the shore of your mental health, the shore of your family relationships, the shore of the death caused by cancer. Jesus is on the shore. Start looking for Him.
Pray: Jesus, I know You stand on the shore of every area in my life. Allow me to realize Your presence there. Amen.
Your Turn: List out any areas of your life where you don’t recognize Jesus. Ask Him to show you the areas, and where He is standing.
Justin Wood, Childhood Cancer Survivor
Justin lives in Bowling Green, Kentucky with his wife and six homeschooled kids. Through his life, Justin has become a wonderful mix of entrepreneur, English teacher, and foreign missionary. He is a survivor of childhood cancer. Justin is very grateful for Cancer Companions and the opportunity to be a part of this devotional writing process.
Cancer Companion’s vision for the future is for every person impacted by cancer to know the hope, love, and grace of Jesus and that every oncology team has included faith in their treatment toolbox. By 2033, Cancer Companions will provide 5 million engagements through cancer prayers, scriptures and interactions to those impacted by cancer. Engagements include; social media outreach, e-newsletters, prayer team requests, 30 days of Cancer Prayer event, and volunteer connections.
To learn more about our ministry and the services we provide visit our website by clicking here.