8 Tips to Build a Strong Volunteer Team

By Karen Tripp MS LMFT Executive Director/Founder Cancer Companions

Picture a small group of volunteers...

·         Passionate about the same cause.

·         Committed to make a difference.

·         Equipped to serve others.

·         Joyful in their endeavor. 

What size impact could they make on their community?  GIGANTIC!!

It’s easy to see the importance of building volunteer teams, but not as easy to see how to establish their foundation.  Here are some tips that we have seen work amazingly well for Cancer Companion volunteer teams.  Implement any that could be a good fit for building a foundation of volunteers in your community.

Tip #1 Engage a Prayer Team. Nothing draws people towards a mission like consistent prayer.  A group of people dedicated to persistent and consistent prayer for your volunteer-led ministry will create focus, community and direction for all involved. There are two words I want to emphasize here: persistent and consistent.  Ask team members to regularly share specific prayer requests to send to the prayer team.  For example, “Pray for the effectiveness of the announcement in church this Sunday,” or “Two more people are considering joining the team; pray for God to lead them.”

Tip #2 Acknowledge the Calling.  Why do committed volunteers serve?  Because they see a need?  They want to feel useful?  It sounds like fun?  The answer is, “YES.”  There are tons of reasons, but at their core, the committed volunteer feels a tug... a calling.  With Cancer Companion volunteers, this often sounds like, “I always knew God wanted me to do something with my cancer.”  Or, “Everywhere I turn there’s cancer.  I feel like God wants me to do something about this.”  Whether it’s a team of VBS teachers or greeters, explore the types of calling in your potential volunteers.  This is what you will want to speak to.

Tip #3 Look for a team.  Let the team pick the leaders.  We know that having a team instead of a single person running an endeavor increases stability, because more people are invested.  Yet, the temptation is to find a single person to be in charge before you select a team.  Think of how much easier it would be to find team members instead of leaders, and then give them the leader roles that need to be filled.  This also increases the longevity of the team, since leadership is not dependent on one person.  With Cancer Companions, the three team leader roles are:

1.    Church staff liaison (How cool is being a liaison?)

2.    Church Communication Organizer

3.    Community Communication Organizer

Tip #4 Clarify Volunteer Roles.  Write down what you are asking of these volunteers.  Think of the details:  How many meetings a month?  Is there any training involved?  If so, what?  How much additional time?  Is there a financial commitment?  Are there other requirements, such as age? A background check?  How long is the commitment?  Most serve much longer, but we ask Cancer Companion volunteers to serve for 8 months. 

Tip #5 Ask, “Is this you or someone you know?”  In churches we need to find ways to give information (announcements), but also to get information (feedback).   Feedback can be as easy as a slip of paper in the pews, or as techy as a number they can text. When announcing the need for volunteers, ask each person to share three names of people they think might be interested.  Maybe Susan writes down her own name and Harry’s.  Discuss with Susan the best way to share this volunteer request with Harry. 

Tip #6 Provide Materials to Easily Share Volunteer Requests.  Most people need more than one interaction to decide to volunteer.  Having a piece of paper or a short video that clearly communicates the request is very helpful.  This allows the conversation to continue without the need for you to be present (i.e. Susan can talk to Harry, and you can follow up with the same message.)  At Cancer Companions we have both handouts and videos.   

Tip #7 Start with Church Staff, Elders, Council Members, Committees, etc.  Since the question is, “Is this you or someone you know,” there are no barriers to how many people you can ask to help with this search.  Start with the people who have various spheres of influence in your church.  The director of worship does not typically interact with the same people as the children’s ministry leader.

Tip #8 Announce in Big Gatherings and Small.   An announcement during worship is vital (most effective- announce three times) because it brings credibility to the request for volunteers.  Yet, in smaller gatherings (choir practice, Bible study, senior luncheon, small groups, Sunday school teacher meetings, etc.) the process of announcement and feedback can create interactions that are invaluable for finding and motivating volunteers.  In a smaller meeting people can ask questions and share ideas of potential volunteers with each other.  Also, along with the church announcement, they’re hearing about the request more than once.



About the Author

Author and counselor Karen Tripp MS LMFT is the Executive Director of Cancer Companions, a ministry that trains volunteers to facilitate Christian cancer ministries. Her roles have included author of Christian books including God is Bigger Than Your Cancer, a daughter of a colon cancer survivor, and a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Karen has used her experience to teach how to step into another person’s struggle to help build their faith while strengthening your own.


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