God is bigger Than …a Swimming Test: A Devotional

One day I took my four-year-old son Garrett and his eight-year-old friend Andrew to the pool. For permission to swim in the deep end, you had to swim the length of the pool. Both boys got in line to pass the test. The problem was Garrett could not swim across the pool. How did I know? Because three hours earlier Garrett had a swim lesson in the exact same pool, and he could NOT swim across it. Most of the lesson he clung very tightly to his kick board.

As the time for Garrett’s test approached, visions of my son sinking like a rock to the bottom of the pool filled my mind. Andrew’s turn came, and he quickly swam across the pool. Then came my little four-year-old son’s turn, and do you know what he did? He swam across that pool. I stood poolside with my mouth hanging open. I don’t know what enabled him to suddenly have the skill and strength to cross that pool but I do know this: Garrett was fearless. He threw his body in that water and flailed his little arms until he popped up huffing and puffing on the other side. You know there is always a first time for everything, and that day happened to be Garrett’s first time to swim across that pool. Just because he’d never done it before didn’t mean that day was not the day.

What if you approached your life with the same bravado that Garrett approached that swim test? Would your life be different? When was the last time you were fearless? Is fearlessness only the foolishness of youth, or is it sometimes the desire of God? God’s word tells us repeatedly to not be afraid, but I like the way the Apostle Peter says it in 1 Peter 3:6, “...do not give way to fear.” Can you hear that? Peter is not saying that you will not have fear. He is saying that there is no need for you to let it rule your days.

Think of the decisions that you make every day. When was the last time you did something new that you have never done before? Most of us settle into a pretty comfortable life, not exploring new avenues unless we’re pushed. What if instead of waiting for the push, God wants you to leap? That’s a scary thought, but your Heavenly Father wants you to have an abundant life. And believe me; life isn’t abundant without overcoming a few fears along the way.

If your Christian walk is not a little scary, you may want to take another look at your path. Have you had opportunities present themselves, people approach you or the Lord tug you in a direction that would require stepping out of your comfort zone? Be open to God taking you down a path that may be a little frightening. Like Garrett, you’ll never know what’s on the other side if you don’t jump in. So, go ahead, shake off your fears and take a leap!

Sweet Jesus,
Place Your mighty hand on this treasured child of Yours. Let this child know the fullness of Your love, the fullness of Your presence and the fullness of Your peace. Remove the fears and calm the inner storm. If it is Your will, remove the cancer cells from this body now and for all time. We know nothing is impossible for You. Above all I ask that You draw them closer to You than ever before, so they may know that You will carry them in Your loving arms now and forever more. For they has already tasted the greatest victory — the new life which comes only through your resurrection.


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