Prayer for Anxiety during Cancer

Dear Heavenly Father,

We’ve heard your words. Especially those words of comfort in our time of need. We’ve read them in the bible, we’ve shared them with our loved ones, we’ve written them to our friends, we’ve memorized them. They are those all too familiar words from Phillipians, “Do not be anxious about anything”. Or the words from Matthew and Luke, “Therefore I tell you do not worry about your life”.

But we are anxious, Lord, and we do worry.

We’re anxious about what’s next. We’re anxious about the unknown. And then in a bizzarre twist, we worry when will the unknown become known, as if we have any control of that timing. We worry that once what is unknown becomes known will it be what we want it to be?

Lord, forgive us for the times that we are anxious. Forgive us for the times that we worry about what is not in our control. Strengthen our hearts, Lord, to hold fast to Your promises that You are in control. Bolster our confidence to seek out those that You have provided, such as a professional counselor to help us through our periods of anxiousness.

We know Your words, Father. We have not forgotten them. In our trepidation in what the next day will bring, we let our yearning become the focus, taking our eyes off of You and Your words of peace and Your words of being still in Your all powerful presence. You urge us in Psalms “Surrender your anxiety. Be silent and stop your striving and You will see that I am God. I am the God above all nations and I will be exalted throughout the whole earth.” Your promises they do bring comfort because they are faithful and true unlike the fleetingness of this world.

We trust Your words, Father, because Your words in the book of Isiah remind us that we are Your precious children and you care for us. You tell us, “Do not fear for I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name. You are mine.”

Today and everyday give us the strength to cast our burdens upon you. Free us from the worries and doubts in our mind and guide us to listen to Your words written on our hearts such as those in John, “Peace I leave you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”



About the Speaker

Steve Gruenwald is the Director of Worker Wellness for Concordia Plan Services. He graduated from Concordia, Chicago with a BA in Lutheran Secondary Education. For 12 years he taught English, speech and drama in Lutheran high schools before joining CPS as a Communication Specialist and editor of Better Health. In 2006 Steve completed requirements to become a Certified Health and Wellness Manager. Steve and his wife, Bev live in St. Louis, MO.


This prayer was sponsored by Concordia Plans. Concordia Plans is invested in the long-term health and wellness of LCMS workers and their family members, offering benefits and solutions that care for their physical, emotional and financial well-being. The Concordia Health Plan offers a comprehensive suite of health care and wellness benefits – including medical, mental health, prescription drug, dental and vision coverage – so everyone can be well to serve well!

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