Knowing Jesus Through Cancer: a Devotional

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Cancer Comfort Card Dedication

Dedicated to my husband and survivor and my children - things will come into your life at times that you certainly didn't ask for and will change your lives forever. My prayer for you is that you allow those times to strengthen your faith and trust in Jesus, find peace in Him, and see the beauty in complete surrender to his plan, even when you don't fully understand. "And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him and who have been called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28


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A cancer walk is the type of struggle that can reveal new things about Jesus you’d never seen before

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A cancer walk is the type of struggle that can reveal new things about Jesus you’d never seen before. On the day before cancer came into your life, you probably understood that
Jesus was your Savior, your Protector and your Comforter. Yet, sometimes your faith can jump from understanding who Jesus is to knowing who Jesus is.

A cancer walk can do that. Like Lazarus, you have experienced Jesus carrying
you through the dark times and into the light. Are you thinking, “Not me. I don’t see Jesus in my cancer walk.” Well, here’s the cool thing about Jesus. He is there even if you do not
know it. Not only that, He is there even if you do not know Him! I love that. I cannot tell you the times in my life when I have taken my eyes off Jesus, only to look back and see that sure enough, Jesus was there. I was just not looking.

Let’s try seeing with new eyes- Jesus’ eyes.
Thinking about Jesus. “Since the cancer
diagnosis, I know with more certainty that...”

▶ Circle all that apply:
• “He is with me when I am frightened.”
• “He brings peace in times of turmoil.”
• “He continues to love me when I am
• “He guides my steps when I see no
• “He fills me with courage when I am
surrounded by fears.”
• “He protects me from the temptation of
• “He softens my words to those who care
for me.”
• “He gives me strength when I am down.”
• “He showers me with wisdom in my
▶ How has your cancer journey changed
your understanding of who Jesus is?

▶ Was there a specific situation during
your cancer journey

 "Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,"  1 Peter 1:8

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Cancer Comfort Page Dedication

Dedicated to my husband and survivor and my children - things will come into your life at times that you certainly didn't ask for and will change your lives forever. My prayer for you is that you allow those times to strengthen your faith and trust in Jesus, find peace in Him, and see the beauty in complete surrender to his plan, even when you don't fully understand. "And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him and who have been called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28


Excerpt from Finding Hope in Your Cancer Journey

“Finding Hope in Your Cancer Journey” is used in Christian cancer support groups and one-to-one peer counseling sessions to encourage cancer family members to discover all that Christ hungers to give them in the midst of their cancer struggle. Beyond their salvation, many Christian seek peace and comfort from Christ during difficult times. But Jesus wants to give guidance, strength, discernment, power and courage. Finding Hope in Your Cancer Journey encourages cancer family members to pray big, love big and live big because the Lord God Almighty is big enough for all that and more. Find a Bible Study using these materials here.


Cancer and the Struggle: a Devotional


Talk to God about Cancer?: a Devotional