Cancer and the Struggle: a Devotional

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  Philippians 4:6

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Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  Philippians 4:6

1. You are not to be anxious about anything. Why? Because God is with you through everything!

2. So ask God for anything, but do it while thanking Him for your blessings. The idea of praying for cancer “thankfully” can be confusing. You don’t need to thank God for your cancer. Cancer is the pits. It’s a bad thing God can use for good, but it’s still a bad thing. So in keeping with this verse, for what should you thank God? You should thank Him for the true blessings in your life. These could be blessings from your past, the blessings of people, the blessings of God’s peace, comfort, strength, presence and so many more.

What do you think of praying with “thanksgiving?” Is it hard as you struggle to go to God with a thankful heart? Why or why not?

• Fill in the sections below to complete a Philippians 4:6 prayer.

Dear Jesus,
This cancer is hard. I feel the weight of it in ways I never imagined. But Lord, You are good. I thank You for…

And now I ask You for…



Excerpt from Seeing God in Your Cancer Journey

“Seeing God in Your Cancer Journey” is used in Christian cancer support groups and one-to-one peer counseling sessions to encourage cancer family members to discover all that Christ hungers to give them in the midst of their cancer struggle. Beyond their salvation, many Christian seek peace and comfort from Christ during difficult times. But Jesus wants to give guidance, strength, discernment, power and courage. Seeing God in Your Cancer Journey encourages cancer family members to pray big, love big and live big because the Lord God Almighty is big enough for all that and more. Find a Bible Study using these materials here.


Do You Minimize Your Cancer?: a Devotional


Knowing Jesus Through Cancer: a Devotional