Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

His Way, Not Mine

There have been times I have not taken problems to God in prayer.

In hindsight, I can see that I was avoiding God. You see, when I place my problems before the Lord in prayer, I am submitting to handling my problems His way- not mine. My way often looks like pretending to be a strong person that does not need the help of others (even when I do.)

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Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

Your Inner Bulldozer: a Devotional on Blessings and Thankfulness

You know, sometimes bulldozers are pretty handy things to have around. I have on occasion been called a bulldozer. This is hopefully not referring to my physique, but rather my tendency to become intensely focused. This can be a good thing—as long as no innocent bystanders are in my way. After all, bulldozers like me have real problems slowing down or changing directions.

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Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

Playing in Creeks: a Devotional on Sweet Answered Prayers

Our family plays in creeks. Other families have leisure pastimes like biking or camping or playing softball. My kids have grown up playing in creeks, I played in creeks and even my dad played in creeks. We have a creek-playing season, and we even have creek shoes. You can’t go out and buy creek shoes; they have to be the too-small pair of tennis shoes from last summer with your toe poking out of the top to really qualify.

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Devotionals Cecilia Tripp Devotionals Cecilia Tripp

Cancer and God’s Word: a Devotional

To battle dark lies, we need a good weapon-the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:17) This means that to battle the lies we must think, speak and believe Scripture. We all need some Scriptures for when the lies get into our heads.

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