Cancer and God’s Word: a Devotional

On the hard cancer days, sometimes the dark thoughts of cancer can block our view of Christ.

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To battle dark lies, we need a good weapon - the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:17)
This means that to battle the lies we must think, speak and believe Scripture. We all need some Scriptures for when the lies get into our heads.

Six Great Verses to Battle the Dark Lies: Battle Verse
Write your name in each blank below.

1) You can do all things, _________________, through Him who strengthens you.
Philippians 4:13

2) For nothing, ______________________________, will be impossible with God.
Luke 1:37

3) What then shall you say to these things, ________________________________? If God is for you, who is against you? Romans 8:31

4) ________________________________________, is anything too difficult for the LORD?
Genesis 18:14

5) …when you are tempted, ________________ ________________, he will provide a way out so that you can endure it.
1 Corinthians 10:13b

6) For the Spirit God gave you does not make you timid, ________________________, but gives you power, love and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7


Excerpt from Finding Hope in Your Cancer Journey

“Finding Hope in Your Cancer Journey” is used in Christian cancer support groups and one-to-one peer counseling sessions to encourage cancer family members to discover all that Christ hungers to give them in the midst of their cancer struggle. Beyond their salvation, many Christian seek peace and comfort from Christ during difficult times. But Jesus wants to give guidance, strength, discernment, power and courage. Finding Hope in Your Cancer Journey encourages cancer family members to pray big, love big and live big because the Lord God Almighty is big enough for all that and more. Find a Bible Study using these materials here.


Cancer and Hope: a Devotional


Cancer and Focus: a Devotional