Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

Playing in Creeks: a Devotional on Sweet Answered Prayers

Our family plays in creeks. Other families have leisure pastimes like biking or camping or playing softball. My kids have grown up playing in creeks, I played in creeks and even my dad played in creeks. We have a creek-playing season, and we even have creek shoes. You can’t go out and buy creek shoes; they have to be the too-small pair of tennis shoes from last summer with your toe poking out of the top to really qualify.

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Devotionals Cecilia Tripp Devotionals Cecilia Tripp

Talk to God about Cancer?: a Devotional

We don’t like thinking about cancer because it can be a downer. And, do you know how sometimes one negative thought can grow, and the next thing you know your thoughts are spiraling down to “Negative Land”? Sometimes even talking to God about your cancer can seem too much.

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Devotionals Cecilia Tripp Devotionals Cecilia Tripp

Cancer and Hope: a Devotional

There are so many amazing ways that Jesus can show up in the midst of your cancer walk. This helps us to breathe in our hope in Jesus. But, on some days, cancer looms so big that it can be hard to remember that Jesus Christ is bigger than the darkness of cancer.

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Devotionals Cecilia Tripp Devotionals Cecilia Tripp

Cancer and God’s Word: a Devotional

To battle dark lies, we need a good weapon-the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:17) This means that to battle the lies we must think, speak and believe Scripture. We all need some Scriptures for when the lies get into our heads.

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