Prayer for Palliative and Hospice Workers

Heavenly Father,

We thank You today for the fact that we can trust in You even during one of the most difficult seasons we will ever face. And Lord I give thanks for the ministry of hospice and those serving in the palliative care units. What an incredible ministry that they have been called to. We ask that You give them the strength that they need to serve well and the patience to care for Your sons and daughters, Lord.

I lift up to You those patients who are in palliative care. Lord, as they are being prepared to close their eyes for the last time on earth and open them up in Heaven we ask that You would meet them. That You would give them a sense of peace, that Lord You would deliver them from any time of suffering that they might be facing.

Lord we take great hope in knowing that because of Jesus Christ, because of the hope we have in Him, and because of Your great mercy that we know that the death is not the end but because of Jesus’ death on the cross and the resurrection, we know that death through Christ leads to more life.

And may we take great hold of that great promise today. I pray for those who are suffering because a loved one is in hospice. I ask that You would give them the supernatural peace that can only come from You. I pray that You would bring others to walk alongside them. And that, Lord, in the quiet of the moments that are to come that they would hear the soft whisper of Your voice, to “be still and know that I am God”. And in that voice they would hear that they are loved, that God is with them and they can trust that He will lead them through.

We ask this is Jesus’ name,



About the Speaker

Andrew Kasper currently serves as the Senior Pastor at Dardenne Presbyterian Church.  He was instrumental in relaunching a contemporary worship service, starting a small group ministry, and leading the Deacons to reorganize the shepherding ministry for congregational care


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