Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

Your Inner Bulldozer: a Devotional on Blessings and Thankfulness

You know, sometimes bulldozers are pretty handy things to have around. I have on occasion been called a bulldozer. This is hopefully not referring to my physique, but rather my tendency to become intensely focused. This can be a good thing—as long as no innocent bystanders are in my way. After all, bulldozers like me have real problems slowing down or changing directions.

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Devotionals Cecilia Tripp Devotionals Cecilia Tripp

Cancer and Hope: a Devotional

There are so many amazing ways that Jesus can show up in the midst of your cancer walk. This helps us to breathe in our hope in Jesus. But, on some days, cancer looms so big that it can be hard to remember that Jesus Christ is bigger than the darkness of cancer.

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