Prayer for Oncologists

Father in Heaven,

I just ask Lord for Your presence to be here. I pray for everyone going through this cancer journey, Lord. I pray, Father, that they will turn to You for courage and for strength and for peace. I pray over the Oncologists, Lord, as they have such a huge responsibility trying to find the right medicine that works for the right patient.

Lord, I just lift them up to You, Lord. I pray that you give them clear direction on what they should do for each patient. Thank you, Lord, for these Oncologists. For the time that they give and the time that they are constantly putting in to help our families. I pray Lord that You will bless them and You will direct every step for them

In Your precious name I pray,


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About the Speaker

Val Mace-Mapa, soprano and key singer with the Heritage Singers, began travelling with the group at age nine. Val is the daughter of the late Max Mace and Lucy Hatley Mace, founders of the pioneering self-supporting gospel vocal group. Her distinctive, lilting, angelic voice is central to what has been called the "Heritage sound.” At age 17, she recorded Dreamer, her first solo album, followed by Lullaby of Heaven, a CD for children and adults. Later, when her son was born with a rare medical condition that required a lengthy stay in critical care, the CD was often played to soothe him. Val married Mapa, a gifted guitarist, composer, and arranger, in 1991, six years after becoming part of the Heritage Singers in 1985. Art heads up Turning Point Studio, a part of the HS operation. Val had dedicated her life to the ongoing ministry of the Heritage Singers. She, Art, and their son, Austin and his wife, Chloe, live in northern California.


This prayer was sponsored by 4CancerWellness. 4CancerWellness helps cancer patients feel better and do better beyond treatment. With the help of our 4 Cornerstones to wellness, activity, nutrition, mindset, and support, we develop personalized wellness programs combined with the best wellness products and services all designed to improve cancer experience outcomes.


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