His Way, Not Mine
There have been times I have not taken problems to God in prayer.
In hindsight, I can see that I was avoiding God. You see, when I place my problems before the Lord in prayer, I am submitting to handling my problems His way- not mine. My way often looks like pretending to be a strong person that does not need the help of others (even when I do.)
Your Inner Bulldozer: a Devotional on Blessings and Thankfulness
You know, sometimes bulldozers are pretty handy things to have around. I have on occasion been called a bulldozer. This is hopefully not referring to my physique, but rather my tendency to become intensely focused. This can be a good thing—as long as no innocent bystanders are in my way. After all, bulldozers like me have real problems slowing down or changing directions.
Cancer Story: Carol Harshaw Metastatic Breast Cancer Survivor and her husband Bill Harshaw Lung Cancer Survivor
Carol Harshaw Metastatic Breast Cancer Survivor and her husband Bill Harshaw Lung Cancer Survivor’s share their story of how the roles of cancer patient and caregiver became a blur.
Prayer for Cancer Survivors
Join Christian Music Artist, Matthew West, as he prays for cancer survivors.
Prayer for Oncologists
Join Val Mace, from Heritage Singers and 4CancerWellness, as she prays for oncologists.