Prayer for Grandparents with Cancer

Mighty God,

Thank You so much for grandparents. Lord, as we pray for the grandparents that have joined us today we give thanks for the years, for the blessing to have grandparents and that for generations they have been teaching and leading and blessing and giving and poured their lives into their children and now their children’s children. God, we just ask for Your special blessing in these moments.

Lord, that You would bring peace and joy and comfort in a way that only Your spirit can bring. And Lord we also pray for healing through Jesus name that you would touch all who are listening that they would recognize that Your touch is the one who heals. And Lord we pray that healing would be in however way You see it in Jesus name.

God we also pray for the joy that grandparents have, Lord, that that would continue and nobody or no thing would take it away. God, I am reminded of the verse from John 10:10 that You’ve written in Your word that says, “a thief only comes to steal, kill, and destroy but I have come that You might have life and have it more abundantly”.

God I pray that is our prayer for all our grandparents, that they would know life abundantly and that they would be filled with joy. God I’m also reminded of Anna and Simeon who were in the temple and found joy in being able to hold baby Jesus.

God I pray that would be able to give that joy to our grandparents. That as they are finding joy in their grandchildren, Lord, that they would just be founded and established in Your promises because they are good.

Lord Jesus it is good to pray with others that have joined us today so we just give You thanks and we pray all these things in Jesus name,



About the Author

Donna is an Ordained Deacon in the Methodist Church and pastors two churches east of Marysville, Ohio including Raymond UMC. Donna attended OSU and United Theological Seminary and now she and her husband along with 3 boys and her mother are going in many directions under one roof. Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight," has always been my life verse. God bless you in your journey. 


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