Prayer for Victory Over Cancer

Lord Jesus,

I know that you are with each person as they face illness and illnesses such as cancer particularly. You carry them from struggle to struggle and from victory to victory; each scan that is good or better than the last one they had, each day feeling a bit stronger, more rested, each meal that they can have with a loved one or friend that’s a pleasure, each side effect from treatments that is overcome. All those, Lord, we know are victories in the struggles of cancer, large or small, they are still a victory and we thank You for that.

And we know that all good things come from You. And we ask you today to be with each person touched in some way by cancer. Let them see the victories, every one of them, Lord, You placed on the path of their particular journey. Above all we ask for the cancer patients and their loved ones that they see that You are the complete victory over cancer whether that is in the healing of their body or the victor of the ultimate healing, the homecoming we all long for into Your loving arms.

We know Lord that it’s only through You that we are more than conquerors. Thank You for all the victories that come through You. Thank You, Lord. Thank You.

In Your precious, victorious name we pray,


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About the Speaker

Scott Eanes has been a Pastor at Fairview Baptist Church in Statesville, NC since September 1986.  Prior to coming to Fairview he pastored the Riverview Baptist Church in Washington, NC 1982-1986. He has served as a Trustee of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY,  Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, and numerous associational positions.


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