Prayer for Nurses and Staff

Heavenly Father,

We come before You and I do, I thank You for these people that are willing to enter into the storm of another. God I thank You for their grace when they welcome someone new to the office or the clinic. God remind them that when they are the ones who notice that wince or that nervous laugh that they are the one whose going to move in close. They are the ones who are going to answer the question that folks are too embarrassed to ask anyone else.

I pray that you will give them wisdom, that you will give them courage, that you will give them profound grace to enter in to these moments like the rest of us can’t. And I pray that you’ll give them a sense of their own calling. God, in the midst of all of this, comfort them. Give them strength, protect their hearts, protect their families and remind them that they’re not crazy for caring this much, for loving this much.

I pray that as they now move into these next days, weeks, months, and even throughout this year that they’ll get a sense that they’re reflecting Your love in the way that they treat others, serve others, and yes, how they enter into the storm of another. So God we are grateful for them and I pray in a very tangible way that You will encourage them, that you will protect them, that you will strengthen them. God, we grateful for these men and women who do this work day in and day out.

I ask all of this now, in the name of Jesus,


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About the Speaker

Greg Holder is lead pastor of The Crossing, a thriving multi-site church in the St. Louis area. Greg is also the author of “The Genius of One: God's Answer for a Fractured World”. He speaks around the world on the topics of leadership, bridge-building, and relational health.


Prayer for Children with Cancer


Prayer for Cancer Survivors