Cancer and Focus: a Devotional

Be alert for excessive concerns/worries that make you focus on fear instead of Christ.

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Let’s say you had a concern. You saw your doctor and he said, “It’s not anything to worry about.” But you still worry. Getting a second opinion is good, but at some point you either have an action to take, or you do not. Everybody worries. The question is, does focusing on negative things that might happen draw us closer to Christ, or farther away?

Dark Lie: “Anyone that’s been through what I’ve been through would worry, too.”
God’s Truth: “Satan loves us to have excessive worries, because in that negative place, it’s harder to focus on Jesus.”

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

▶ Answer these questions from the verse above and chart below:
• What does NOT come from God?
• What kind of spirit has God given us?

If you are frightened or worried, it’s not from God. Feeling confident, loved, and self-controlled is from God. He wants to shower you with these. Let us ask for these things in prayer.

Prayer #2 Please pray aloud with me:

I know the worries and fears I have are not from You. Each thought I have that is fear-filled is a lie trying to pull me from You. Rip the negative thoughts from my mind. Shower me with the confidence, love and self-control that come only from You. You are my rock and my fortress. In Your loving hands I place my life. AMEN.


Excerpt from Finding Hope in Your Cancer Journey

“Finding Hope in Your Cancer Journey” is used in Christian cancer support groups and one-to-one peer counseling sessions to encourage cancer family members to discover all that Christ hungers to give them in the midst of their cancer struggle. Beyond their salvation, many Christian seek peace and comfort from Christ during difficult times. But Jesus wants to give guidance, strength, discernment, power and courage. Finding Hope in Your Cancer Journey encourages cancer family members to pray big, love big and live big because the Lord God Almighty is big enough for all that and more. Find a Bible Study using these materials here.


Cancer and God’s Word: a Devotional


Three Stumbling Blocks to Consistent Cancer Prayers: a Devotional