Devotionals Cecilia Tripp Devotionals Cecilia Tripp

Talk to God about Cancer?: a Devotional

We don’t like thinking about cancer because it can be a downer. And, do you know how sometimes one negative thought can grow, and the next thing you know your thoughts are spiraling down to “Negative Land”? Sometimes even talking to God about your cancer can seem too much.

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Devotionals Cecilia Tripp Devotionals Cecilia Tripp

Cancer and Focus: a Devotional

Let’s say you had a concern. You saw your doctor and he said, “It’s not anything to worry about.” But you still worry. Getting a second opinion is good, but at some point you either have an action to take, or you do not. Everybody worries. The question is, does focusing on negative things that might happen draw us closer to Christ, or farther away?

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