Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

A Floridian in Chicago: a Devotional on Taking Hurts to Jesus

Cancer can feel like a winter that keeps pushing back spring. Whether all your treatments are going as planned or it’s filled with delays, it’s easy to ask God, “When is this going to end?” You’re not doubting God’s existence or your salvation, but perhaps you wonder, “God? Are you paying attention?” “Are you really bigger than this cancer?”

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Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

Your Inner Bulldozer: a Devotional on Blessings and Thankfulness

You know, sometimes bulldozers are pretty handy things to have around. I have on occasion been called a bulldozer. This is hopefully not referring to my physique, but rather my tendency to become intensely focused. This can be a good thing—as long as no innocent bystanders are in my way. After all, bulldozers like me have real problems slowing down or changing directions.

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Cancer Information Karen Tripp Cancer Information Karen Tripp

Parents and Cancer: Helping Children and Teens Cope

Cancer is not easy for anyone to understand and yet children and teens have an additional difficulty due to the way they think. People do not learn abstract thinking until 12-15 years old or later. What does this really mean? It means that without abstract thinking younger people think everything is black or white, good or bad. We see a bright, articulate young person and believe they think like an adult when really they see situations as two sided instead of multi-faceted.

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