A Floridian in Chicago: a Devotional on Taking Hurts to Jesus


“When John heard in prison what the Messiah was doing, he sent a message by his disciples and asked Him, ‘Are You the One who is to come, or should we expect someone else?’” (Matthew 11:2-3 HCS)   

After living all of my 28 years in Florida, I moved to Chicago. Chicago winters have these things I had only seen in movies: ice, snow, hail and this stuff called sleet. Having moved in October, I was ready for spring by Thanksgiving. But spring would come in March, right? Wrong. It was still snowing on Mother’s Day. Every sun-deprived molecule in my body yelled out, “Really? REALLY? Is spring ever going to come?” This was certainly not what I had expected. 

Cancer can feel like a winter that keeps pushing back spring. Whether all your treatments are going as planned or it’s filled with delays, it’s easy to ask God, “When is this going to end?” You’re not doubting God’s existence or your salvation, but perhaps you wonder, “God? Are you paying attention?” “Are you really bigger than this cancer?”

Cancer can too easily block our view of God, leaving a residue of doubt. But listen to this: doubts may not be a sign that your faith is weak, but rather that your faith is strong.   

Those with a small faith who see God as some small, distant guy glancing at mankind from afar, don’t expect to see God working in their life. But those who know God is really BIG and really close might begin to wonder about His involvement in this whole cancer thing. God appearing passive makes no sense. So, people with a strong faith may turn to God with questions. 

John the Baptist was one of these people.

I love that John the Baptist had doubts. Let’s face it. John’s faith in Jesus was HUGE!  

  1. John dedicated his life to preparing the way for Jesus.  

  2. When folks tried to worship John, he pointed them to the true Messiah—Jesus.   

But sitting in prison for preaching God’s truth, John began to have questions. Today’s verse tells us, “When John heard in prison what the Messiah was doing, he sent a message by his disciples and asked Him, ‘Are You the One who is to come, or should we expect someone else?’” John the Baptist had questions.

How did Jesus handle John’s questions? After explaining to John’s disciples that He truly was the Messiah, Jesus proclaimed, “I tell you the truth, among those born of women, no one has arisen greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11 NET).  Jesus said this about John after he heard about John’s doubts. He didn’t toss John aside or shake His head with disappointment. He welcomed John’s questions, gave him reassurance and then praised John for his amazing walk with God.  

On that dreary Chicago day in May my head knew spring would come, but my eyes and my heart felt stuck in winter. Jesus knows that in your “winter”, you will need to hear His reassurance and receive His praise. Don’t hide. Take your questions and your doubts to Jesus. He’s waiting. Let His reassurance melt your winter into spring.

Pray: Jesus, on the days when it feels like this cancer will never end, please bring me the reassurance I need that you are BIGGER than cancer. Amen.

Your turn: Think of your cancer walk thus far. Have there been times when it feels like it will never end? When the fatigue or frustration or pain will not go away? Like the prayer above, ask Jesus to bring you His blessed reassurance.


Prayer for a Young Mom with Cancer


Your Inner Bulldozer: a Devotional on Blessings and Thankfulness