Unspoken Fear, February 4
Daily Reflections from Inside the Cancer Journey
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Written by Karen Wonders
Do not fear, for I am with you (Isaiah 41:10 NIV).
I recently read a blog post written by the father of a baby who had undergone treatment for infant leukemia. As a mother myself, I cannot imagine the fear one might have as they watch their child battle cancer. A million times over, I would rather be the one with cancer. Chemotherapy, transfusions, and surgery are scary words. They are even more scary when you consider them for your baby.
In his blog post, he said that his daughter would soon be finished with her treatment. This is a milestone that many people celebrate. A simple search on social media would bring up literally thousands of pictures of happy faces holding up handmade signs. Yet, behind those smiles is an anxiety that many people don’t often discuss. When treatment ends and the family is supposed to return to “normal life,” there is an unspoken fear that grips them. Treatments can last for months—sometimes even years. It consumes your entire life. Every week is planned around doctor visits and treatment schedules. Social situations are often avoided for fear of compromising the immune system. It’s almost like living in a bubble for an extended period of time. Yet, as long as treatment continues, they are fighting. They are doing something. When the treatment ends, when the doctor visits are few and far between, when hair grows back, when life gets quiet—anxiety appears. The waiting begins. Fear of recurrence takes center stage. How can you resume a normal life when things have been so abnormal for so long? Is it possible to move past this anxiety?
Sometimes God gives us battles that are bigger than we are. Storms that are too big to navigate on our own. One of my favorite stories about Jesus comes from Matthew 8:23-27. Jesus and His disciples got into a boat, and Jesus takes a nap. Imagine, God in flesh, sleeping. I find myself wondering—did He snore? Did His muscles make funny jerking movements while He slept? What did He dream about? Regardless, while He was sleeping, a big storm came up on the lake and big waves swept over the boat. Even though a number of the disciples were experienced fishermen, and storms were not new to them, this storm must have been different. They were afraid. They could not navigate this storm on their own. They needed their Savior.
When Jesus awoke, He asked them why they were afraid. He wanted His disciples to know that as long as He was with them, they had nothing to fear. This same principle applies to us today. When we worry, we are looking to our own strength, rather than to God. God’s Word tells us that God has a plan for our lives—a perfect plan, which guarantees us a hope and a future (see Jeremiah 29:11). We need not fear when the storms of life threaten to sweep us off our feet. Jesus has us. As long as He is with us, we have nothing to fear!
Pray: Father God, thank You for caring about every detail of our lives. Thank You for allowing us to come to You when we are afraid. Help us to trust in You and to know that when the storms of life come, You will be there to catch us. We put our faith in You and know that You are bigger than any storm we will ever face. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Your Turn: The opposite of fear is faith! Even faith as small as a mustard seed will move mountains! In what area of your life do you need to increase your faith? Pray and ask God to help you! He cares for you!
Karen Y. Wonders, PhD, FACSM, Cancer Caregiver
Karen is the Founder and CEO of Maple Tree Cancer Alliance, and Professor/Program Director of Exercise Physiology at Wright State University. Her passion is to advocate for exercise as part of the national standard of care for cancer. Her non-profit organization provides free exercise training to thousands of cancer survivors every month (www.mapletreecanceralliance.org). Dr. Wonders and her husband have 7 children—aged 16 and younger. If you think her hands are full, you should see her heart!
Cancer Companion’s vision for the future is for every person impacted by cancer to know the hope, love, and grace of Jesus and that every oncology team has included faith in their treatment toolbox. By 2033, Cancer Companions will provide 5 million engagements through cancer prayers, scriptures and interactions to those impacted by cancer. Engagements include; social media outreach, e-newsletters, prayer team requests, 30 days of Cancer Prayer event, and volunteer connections.
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