Prayer for Leukemia and Lymphoma

God, we raise our voices in prayer to you. We raise our voices in prayer to you O Lord because you are the source of our hope, and tonight we pray for those with leukemia or lymphoma. We pray O God that you would bless them with strength and courage. That your healing hand would touch them. That they O Lord would find treatments to address their diseases. That they O God would know the power of your wondrous love and the joy of health restored.

O God we pray for friends of those with leukemia or lymphoma. We pray for their caregivers, their family members, and those who love them. We give you thanks for the advances and treatment. Treatments that boggle the mind, bone marrow transplants, chemotherapies, immunotherapies. We ask O Lord that you will help us to see a day when we find a cure for leukemia or lymphoma. For every person who is sick might be found.

O Lord, Our God - hear our prayers in silence as we name them in our hearts those we love. Those we remember, those who have suffered from leukemia or lymphoma who are most close to our lives. Yes, O Lord bless them with your love, touch them with your healing hand and give them courage for the journey ahead.

Be with us O Lord as we seek, as we seek to serve you by loving others and as we try to support those around us who are on their individual cancer journey. Hear our prayers O Lord for those with leukemia or lymphoma, help them to see a day when they are free from cancer evermore. These things we pray in the name of the one who came not to be served but to serve the one O Lord whom we call Savior, Guardian, Guide and Friend.


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About the Speaker

Christopher Edmonston began ministry at White Memorial Presbyterian Church in 2011. He was recognized as a William Friday Fellow 2001-2013 and in 2018 he received an Associated Church Press Award of Excellence for an article entitled, “Pastoring a Purple Church.


Prayer to Find a Cure for Cancer


Prayer for Cancer Depression