Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

His Way, Not Mine

There have been times I have not taken problems to God in prayer.

In hindsight, I can see that I was avoiding God. You see, when I place my problems before the Lord in prayer, I am submitting to handling my problems His way- not mine. My way often looks like pretending to be a strong person that does not need the help of others (even when I do.)

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Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

Christmas Devotional 17: Do Not Be Afraid

One of my favorite parts of the Christmas Story is the appearances of angels. They show up in dreams to Joseph, come face-to-face with Mary and fill the skies for the shepherds. As a child and even today, these stories make me eager to see an angel, even if only for a moment. As we look at these three sightings of angels, we see they each had one thing in common.

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Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

Christmas Devotional 16: God has Gone Before You

Has anyone told you that with cancer, you have to find your new normal? This seems to me to be a kind way of saying, “You know that thing you used to do and now you can’t do, or if you are still doing it, you used to do faster, easier or better? Well, you many never do those things like you used to do them, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a fulfilling life. So, look for your new normal.”

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Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

Christmas Devotional 15: A New Normal for Christmas

Has anyone told you that with cancer, you have to find your new normal? This seems to me to be a kind way of saying, “You know that thing you used to do and now you can’t do, or if you are still doing it, you used to do faster, easier or better? Well, you many never do those things like you used to do them, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a fulfilling life. So, look for your new normal.”

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Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

Christmas Devotional 9: An Invitation to Freedom

God has wired our bodies to turn our view inward when we’re sick. It’s like our body nudges us and says, “Look here! Pay attention to this!” Could be the nausea of a stomach flu or the aches of a head cold that bring thoughts like, “Ugh, I feel terrible.” “I’m not sure I can do that today.” “Maybe this is something worse. Should I call my doctor?”

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Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

Christmas Devotional 8: Peace Which Makes No Sense

You never imagined having a Christmas invaded by cancer, and yet here you are. When you were diagnosed, they told you how long the treatments would last, but maybe you didn’t realize that you’d be dealing with the mess of cancer past Thanksgiving, through Christmas and even into the New Year. I bet you are ready to just be done.

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Devotionals Karen Tripp Devotionals Karen Tripp

Christmas Devotional 7: God’s Plan is Working

Cancer treatment comes with a plan. The plan typically includes multiple doctors, procedures, medicines and countless waiting rooms. Good cancer news typically sounds like: “Good news! Things are going as planned.” Of course, the plan is to get rid of the cancer, so it is great news to know that the plan is working. You see, if you’re excited about the plan, you’re excited when the plan is working.

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